
'Online Safety' (Galley Hill Primary)

Great couple of days delivering 'Online Safety' sessions to pupils, parents, staff and governors at Galley Hill Primary School (Hemel Hempstead).
This was my third visit to Galley Hill and am always given such a warm welcome by all members of the school community. I must also comment on the behaviour of the pupils that was absolutely impeccable throughout the two days.
Began the two days by delivering a workshop to Reception children. During this session the focus was on how when we are online it is almost as if 'people are wearing a mask' (we are unable to see who we are talking to).
Pupils from all KS1 and KS2 classes also received 'Online Safety' training during my two day visit. Used resources such as the brilliant BrainPop UK and children made avatars to highlight the importance of being 'share aware' in terms of images and also focussed on how lots of online communication for children is actually made on gaming sites. Pupils also learnt why it is important to create a strong password and not tell them to anyone.
As well as working with all pupils from EYFS - Y6 I also had the opportunity to deliver training to staff, governors and parents. 
There was an excellent turnout from parents for the parental workshop and this was partly down to pupil created invitations for the session, which was an excllent idea. Will certainly be recommending this to other schools.
Below parents can download a PDF version of my slides from the parental training session and I have also included a link to the 'I've Seen Alex's Willy' video and have attached the NSPCC guide to being 'share aware'.