
Happy Easter - Digital Detox

Reached the end of what has possibly been the longest and toughest term of my 21 years in education. Sure that lots of my friends and followers will be able to relate to the image below. Teachers and those working in education have been pushed to the limit at times in recent months, but hopefully as we approach Easter we can look forward to a brighter and more positive summer term. I’ve loved being back in front of a full class of children again in recent weeks and have started visiting other schools again too with my Animate 2 Educate hat on. Definitely helped to give a little sense of ‘normality’ again and I’m definitely breaking-up for Easter with a far better mindset than I was at February half-term. Looking forward to clocks going forward tomorrow night and to longer days and better weather again. Perfect opportunity to step away from the screen and take a digital detox over the next couple of weeks and get some fresh air and enjoy a bit gardening etc again. Hope everyone has an enjoyable Easter break too and will see you all online again soon.