
Copyright & Plagiarism (Y5 & Y6 Birchwood Primary)

Thoroughly enjoyed delivering 'Plagiarism & Copyright' sessions to Year 5 and Year 6 pupils at Birchwood Primary School (Tamworth) today. Always enjoy delivering new sessions and one that plays an important role in the teaching of 'Online Safety'. Happy to deliver the session in schools throughout the UK or to offer as training to staff as part of a staff meeting or INSET Day.
The Alleyk@tz see an advertisement for a 'Battle of the Bands' competition and decide to enter. However, they don't have any original songs of their own until Max unexpectedly produces one that he has been writing. As a result, the Alleyk@tz win the competition and a prize of a recording contract. However, ageing rock star Lorna Lovett appears, saying she wrote the words, and it turns out Max copied the words from a website. The band is disqualified from the competition.
Click below to download the 'Plagiarism and Copyright' activity sheet:
Animation about a band called the Alleyk@tz. The band have designed a new logo to go on Alleyk@tz merchandising, but when a fan appears wearing the logo before the clothes have officially gone on sale, they decide to seek help to understand copyright.