
Space - Wood End (Year 4/5)

Started day at Wood End Primary School (Tamworth) today by using Explain Everything app with Year 4/5 pupils to 'explain everything' about their current class novel 'George's Secret Key To The Universe' linked to their 'Space Explorers' topic.
Year 4/5 pupils at Wood End Primary School (Tamworth) used 'Comic Touch' app from plasq to create their own book cover for 'George's Secret Key To The Universe' this morning.
The brilliant 'Solar System' augmented reality app was a huge hit with Year 4/5 pupils at Wood End Primary School this morning linked to their 'Space Explorer' topic.
Year 4/5 pupils at Wood End Primary School used 'Green Screen by Do Ink' so that they too could find the secret key to the universe this morning.
Y4/5 pupils at Wood End Primary School (Tamworth) enjoyed 'app smashing' using 'Green Screen by Do Ink' and 'Vintage Looks' apps this morning.