
Snowflake Coding Challenge

Brilliant morning with my Year 5 pupils at Ellington (Northumberland) linking coding and mathematics with the ‘Snowflake Challenge’ (huge thanks to Steve Bunce for the idea at my recent ‘Ultimate Coding Course’). The discussion around angles and measurement was great from a mathematical perspective and then there was wonderful reinforcement of coding concepts such as ‘repetition’. The incredible’Loti-Bots’ from TTS Resources provide a fantastic ‘physical output’ for coding with KS2 pupils and really helped my more kinaesthetic learners to understand these tricky concepts. Can highly recommend giving this activity a go with Y5/Y6 pupils in the coming weeks (could be replicated also by getting a sprite to draw in Scratch etc). Loti-Bots from TTS are also well worth checking out. Absolutely brilliant KS2 robot: https://www.tts-group.co.uk/loti-bot/