
St.Alban's - Day 1

Great morning of Computer Programming with Reception pupils at St.Alban's RC Primary School (Gateshead) today. Used the fantastic 'Helicopter Rescue' (Busy Bundle 1) and 'Path Puzzler' from Busythings.co.uk to teach programming concepts such as algorithms and debugging.

Great Computer Programming workshop with Year 6 pupils at St.Alban's RC Primary School (Gateshead) this afternoon using the fantastic Kodable, A.L.E.X. and Lego Mindstorms: Fix the Factory apps.

Linked Digital Literacy lessons with Year 6 pupils at St.Alban's RC Primary School (Gateshead) to current topic of 'Baghdad' this afternoon. Used 'Moldiv', 'Tellegami' and 'Comic Life' apps to create pic collages, videos and fact sheets.