
now>press>play Webinar

Sign-up now for this great FREE webinar on Wednesday 27th November. I’m delighted to be joining my good friend David Mordue (headteacher of Bishop Ian Ramsey CE Primary School - Co.Durham) in giving an introduction to the immersive curriculum-aligned experiences from the fantastic now>press>play. David and I first introduced now>press>play 8 years ago when we worked together at Lanchester EP (Co.Durham). The impact was such that when we both moved schools in recent years that now>press>play was one of the first resources which we introduced at our new establishments too. I will be welcoming now>press>play to my new school (Ellington Primary School - Northumberland) next month to create a video showcase of one of the experiences and we will be sharing this as part of the webinar on 27th November. If you would like to find out why David and I rate now>press>play so highly and how immersive audio can help to bring your curriculum to life, then sign-up for this free webinar: https://nowpressplay-co-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__DaJRYHaT7WmTtgcmyEscQ