
CampEd 2019 - Fake News

Great day as always at CampEd yesterday. Lovely catching up with lots of friends new and old. Thoroughly enjoyed delivering ‘Fake News’ activity too and there was an excellent response to the session from both adults and children. The activity involved a five part ‘App Smash’ using ‘Camera’, ‘Google’, ‘Photos’, ‘Pixomatic’ and ‘Lifecards’ apps. First the Camera app was used to take a photo around the grounds of Cliffe House. Next an image was found on Google (tiger, yeti, dinosaur etc) that could be added to the photos that were taken to create a fake news story. Pixomatic app was then used to cut out the creature from the Google image and add it to the photo that was taken. Photos app was used to add a filter to smooth the edges and to create a more natural look to the image and then finally this image was used within Lifecards app to create a newspaper report about the strange sighting. A fun activity that can be used across so many areas in school and that really helps to teach children to be discerning in evaluating digital content.