
Record Breakers - Falla Park

RECORD BREAKING NUMBERS . . . what an incredible turnout from parents and carers at Falla Park Community Primary School (Felling, Gateshead) today for my #SaferInternetDay ‘Online Safety’ sessions. Over 100 parents/carers attended the four sessions over the course of the day and I’m sure these are numbers which will match any school throughout the UK this week. The school took an innovative approach of combining the pupil and parental sessions (rather than having a separate parental session) and inviting adults to attend and listen alongside their children. Each 30 minute session was then followed by an immersive now>press>play Online Safety session, where the parents and carers enthusiastically joined in alongside their children. A brilliant way to start this week of Safer Internet Day, working with Reception, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 today and looking forward to returning to Falla Park again on Wednesday to work with Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. A massive well done to Falla Park for taking this rewarding approach and to all who attended and showed that it is not just ‘the best bairns in The Felling’, but ‘the bestest parents and carers too’. ♥️ #FellingBornandBred