
Greek Minecraft

Sometimes you have to be prepared to be ’a facilitator of learning’ and not ‘a teacher’. I’m never going to be able ‘to teach’ my pupils anything about Minecraft, they will always be the experts and that is fine! What I can do though is set the parameters and expectations and facilité the learning experience. We looked together at images of Greek temples and discussed their various features. Then linked to the KS2 D&T curriculum (generate, develop, model and communicate ideas through the use of computer aided design CAD) my Year 6 pupils at Lanchester EP then used Minecraft to create their own Greek temples. I know very little about Minecraft (I don’t need to), but I am prepared to use it in the classroom and know what a fabulous resource it is for bringing to life areas of the curriculum such as Greeks, Egyptians, Mayans, Rivers, Mountains etc. So many teachers are afraid to use Minecraft because they don’t know how to use it themselves. Be brave folks and be that FACILITATOR OF LEARNING instead!