
E2BN Conference

Thank you to everyone who attended my '20 Cool Tools 4 Teaching' session at the E2BN Conference in Bedfordshire. Always heard great things about the conference and so was lovely to present for the first time.
Began my session by looking at 'Digital Photography' apps and how we can do so much more to manipulate the digital images that we take and use in school.
Second part of the session was about 'Movie Making' apps and how some simple, yet highly effective apps can add real value to our video, by making the content match the intended genre or time period.
Up next was the 'Augmented Reality' section of the session and looked at different apps that really have the wow factor and help to bring the curriculum to life when another layer is added to our reality. 
Followed this with the 'Digital Literacy' section and looked at a wide range of apps for producing content both within English lessons and for cross-curricula purposes.
The 'Multimedia Presentations' sections offered delegates some new alternatives to PowerPoint when creating multimedia presentations with both KS1 and KS2.
Ended with a series of 'Animation' apps and discussed the power of animation and the built-in microphone within tablet technology for helping to give children a voice to share their knowledge and understanding.
Click below to download the app list from my session:
Download augmented reality 'trigger' images: