
Digital Detox

DIGITAL DETOX TIME - Signing off now for 2020. Just want to thank everyone for their support throughout this most challenging and unprecedented of years. Back in the spring I really didn’t know what the future would hold for Animate 2 Educate. Like many self-employed people to see you entire working calendar decimated in a matter of days was very very tough and didn’t know how or when I would get back into schools again. As 2020 comes to an end though, I am busier than ever with work and want to thank those schools who have turned to me for support with remote learning or to provide ‘virtual trips’ for pupils at a time when physical trips are not possible. I’m definitely ready for a break now and with a huge increase in online working, I’m ready for a break from the screen too and will be starting a digit detox now. Thank you everyone for sticking by me both personally and professionally throughout the past 12 months. Hope that despite the circumstances you are all able to have enjoyable and peaceful Christmases and look forward to being online with you all again in the new year. Take care everyone, stay safe and here’s hoping for a better 2021 for all of us.