
LS Lowry - Pic Collage

FAVOURITE LESSON OF THIS ACADEMIC YEAR . . . always nice to try out new ideas and even better when they work out well! Was working with Year 5 pupils at Ryhope Juniors (Sunderland) linked to their ‘Traditional Industry in Sunderland’ and ‘LS Lowry’ topics. First we looked at a range of LS Lowry’s industrial paintings and discussed how faces are not seen, how legs are straight and how people are often looking at the ground. We then went out into the playground and pupils photographed each other in a variety of Lowry-style poses. Pupils then used the ‘cutout’ tool on ‘Pic Collage’ to cutout the background of their photos and add them to an image of industrial Sunderland. We discussed perspective and pupils were taught how to add the images in layers. Once the completed picture had been saved to the camera roll we then added an appropriate filter to give it that darker Lowry-style industrial image. Can highly recommended giving this a go if you study Lowry as an artist at KS2. Something a bit different with regards to digital art and always great to combine physical and digital activities.