
Online Safety Workshops

The new Primary Computing Curriculum has put a much greater emphasis on the teaching of Online Safety and Animate 2 Educate offer bespoke Online Safety days and sessions for pupils, parents and staff.
Hands-on pupil workshops can be delivered with individual classes, or assembly style sessions with year groups or key stages.
Animate 2 Educate parental sessions help prepare families for the ever changing digital world in which we now live and staff training sessions provide staff with a wide range of exciting and informative Online Safety activities that they can deliver with all classes in both KS1 and KS2.
Many schools book an Animate 2 Educate 'Online Safety Day' that includes sessions with all pupils throughout the school, in addition to a parental workshop and staff training session.
Help meet the Online Safety requirements of the Computing Curriculum by booking your Animate 2 Educate session today!
"I thought that the trainer was knowledgeable and appropriate. The session was definitely worth attending!"
"Excellent speaker and easily digested presentation."
Parents (Oakfield Junior School, Gateshead)