
Purple Mash Training

Animate 2 Educate Ltd Director Martin Bailey is a certified trainer for Purple Mash and has delivered numerous training sessions on this fabulous resource in schools throughout the UK.
Generally training sessions are of 90 minutes - 2 hours in duration and are delivered as a twilight staff meeting or as part of a school INSET day.
Most Purple Mash training sessions are a general introduction or a refresher to all features of the software, but training sessions can also focus on specific areas of Purple Mash, such as '2 Code'.
In addition to delivering Purple Mash training sessions around the UK, Martin's own school (Lanchester EP, Co.Durham) are big users of Purple Mash and he also uses various Purple Mash features in Animate 2 Educate sessions.
Book Animate 2 Educate to help your school get the most from Purple Mash!