
Mini Mobile Phones

Had an absolutely fantastic day today at Birchwood Primary School working with my EYFS pupils. With oracy being such a big focus for all schools it was wonderful to welcome my friends from TTS Resources to introduce pupils to their fabulous new ‘Rechargeable Mini Mobile Phones’. The enthusiasm from the pupils was incredible from the moment they came out of the boxes and was amazing to then see them engaged in conversation with their peers about the topic I had set for them of ‘Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot’. As BT once said (I’m showing my age now) “It’s good to talk” and these brilliant devices certainly stimulate fantastic conversation. It’s so natural for children to talk on phones like this as they will almost daily be handed phones from adults at home to talk grandparents, parents working away etc and it is important therefore that we hook into this stimulus in schools. Not only are these devices going to be great in EYFS and KS1, but in KS2 we often ask pupils to ‘phone a friend’ when they are struggling with an answer . . . and now they actually can!!! Love when I come home feeling so excited about using a device and the potential it has for having a positive impact on pupils’ learning. Can’t wait to start bringing the curriculum to life with these fabulous resources.