
About Us

Mr Martin Bailey

Founder & Director

Animate 2 Educate Ltd is a company of one, operated and developed by Martin Bailey.

Martin has 25 years experience as a Primary School Teacher and Computing Subject Leader at schools around the North East of England and is currently employed in a part-time role as 'Digital Enrichment Leader' at Lanchester EP Primary School (Co.Durham). His role there enables to deliver Computing lessons with all classes from Nursery - Year 6, as well as overseeing the digital strategy for the school.

Since 2012 Martin has combined this role with that of running his own company (Animate 2 Educate Ltd). The initial concept of the company was to offer curriculum-linked workshops in animation, green screen and other movie-making techniques and whilst this still remains a core part of the business, Martin's role and the services which he offers to schools has grown, developed and diversified over the past decade.

Martin would now be described as being a Primary Computing Advisor and alongside the pupil workshops, he now provides consultancy sessions on all aspects of Primary Computing and best use of technology within education.

A lot of Martin's recent work has centred around working with schools to create bespoke Computing curriculums and supporting Computing subject leaders with assessment systems, progression of skills documents and helping to prepare for a Deep Dive in Primary Computing.

The range of workshops which Animate 2 Educate offers has developed massively too in recent years, with Online Safety workshops for pupils, parents and staff now being very popular, alongside Computer Programming workshops and sessions which make use of the latest technologies such as AI and augmented reality.

Martin is an expert in the use of iPads in education and has presented at events all over the world on best use of tablet technology, as well as having numerous articles published in the educational press and appearing on countless webinars and podcasts.

In recent years Martin has also been a lecturer at both Durham and Sunderland universities where he has delivered the Computing element of the course on both the BA and PGCE programmes.

Martin has served on the advisory board for both NAACE (National Association of Advisors of Computing in Education and for BETT (the world's largest Education Technology Conference), as well as acting as a judge for the BETT Awards and ERA (Education Resource Awards).

With his skills and experience Martin can ‘bring the curriculum to life’ for any topic and for any age of children.