
Peterlee Partnership

Delivering 'Success with Primary Computing' to a  SELL OUT crowd at Acre Rigg Academy, Co.Durham on behalf of the Peterlee Partnership.
Digital copies of all resources from today's session can be downloaded by clicking on the links below:
Download a FREE copy of Animate 2 Educate's 'Best App Guide' featuring the apps covered during today's session by clicking on the link below:
If you are interested in Busythings.co.uk then please e-mail Rachel Hall at Busythings on rachel@busythings.co.uk and quote Animate 2 Educate in order to receive best possible prices.
If you are interested in bespoke SMART Rules posters from Daydream Education then please e-mail Craig Moss at Daydream Education (craig.moss@daydreameducation.co.uk) and quote Animate 2 Educate E-Safety Training in order to receive a 20% discount on all orders.
If you are interested in purchasing 'My iStick USB' then please contact Matthew Breen at iStick on matt@myistick.co.uk and quote Animate 2 Educate for educational discounts on multiple purchases and to receive free engraving and key ring storage pouches.